Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Post 1, Day 1

Today has been pretty slow thus far. The car is broken, so we can't go into town, I've been playing Xbox pretty much all day, and I've bribed my younger brother and younger sister a dollar each if they cleaned their play room without fooling around. I'm leaving Saltspring in a week and aside from that, this is how my days will go. Maybe relax in the hottub, do a little facebooking/blogging, and then a little guitar practice here and there. I'm currently reading this great book called "Boneshaker" by Cherie Priest A.K.A. the high priestess of steampunk. It's a great book for anyone who enjoys steampunk and zombies, because thats pretty much what it is. That's about it for today.
-Liam, Post 1, Day 1.

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